The one-stop destination for unlimited fun, crazy adventure, fascinating wildlife and loads of learning, Night Safari in Singapore must not be a new name for travelers seeking cheap flights for holidays in this Southeast Asian country. Officially opened in 1994, the Night Safari is the world’s first nocturnal zoo and one of the biggest attractions in Singapore. It was designed to spot nocturnal animals in their natural habitat. However, a visit to this wonderful place is also a chance to experience seven unique geographical regions of the world and a plethora of fun-filled excursions. Quite naturally, it allures hordes of tourists spending on tickets aboard Singapore bound flights for a highly educative and equally mesmerizing experience.

About the Park
The Night Safari, as the name indicates, is an open-air night zoo set in a humid tropical forest in Singapore. It has been divided into 8 geographical zones and can be explored either on foot or by trams. Spotting unique flora and fauna at the place feels like wandering into a forest reserve at night, as the animals here have been granted as natural as possible atmosphere. In terms of number, the zoo houses more than 1000 animals of around 120 species. Additionally, various cultural performances including tribal dance and blowpipe demonstrations make for an exciting experience for kids and adults alike. There is so much greenery around that you will be left hypnotized and hence gloating over the decision of grabbing cheap flights deals for the destination.
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